Why not regulate the internet?

When the Internet was in its infancy, the broadness of its modern scope and its ubiquitousness nature in present day use could not have been fathomed by Tim Berners-Lee when he linked those hypertext documents in his system to create the crude “World Wide Web”. The Internet exists in its current form as an international, constantly metamorphosing, and mostly intangible place wherein lies millions of sites and thousands of petabytes of information that shapes life for a large portion of the earth. 

The question then can be asked: Does anyone have the right to censor content on the internet or restrict access to certain content? 

Disregarding the internet providers and the physical infrastructure that exists, can you even define the internet with only physical characteristics? Even if part of it exists in “the ether”, I would argue that this characteristic makes it infinitely harder to regulate or censor it in any way.

